Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Addiction to substances, substance abuse, and pharmaceutical psych medicines.


Welcome to my chemical addiction, my nightmare, and my reality

Once a few years back I wound up in Dallas' Homeward Bound, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation place - the kind that last 30 days, if you're lucky, and then helps you find someplace else to live, and look for work.

Good luck out there, should you be in need of a place to live, and a place to work, the world's only got tougher since 2005, so far as I can tell.

Hell, I'm not certain what year it was that I was in Homeward Bound anymore.  I don't suppose that it much matters, does it?  The world's certainly got tougher, no doubt about that.

Anyway, at the rehab they gladly ship you off to the local mental health services clinic for the poor to put you on psych meds, the whole world needs psych meds....or at least that's what the world would have us believe, aye?

I was put on 400mg of Seroquel, and when I couldn't wake up the following mornings, the counselors, loving critics of the unholy, wanted to put me on the streets of Oak Cliff, Texas, left to my own devices.  Well, luckily for me they decided to send me back first to the free psych meds clinic...because clearly the psychiatrist didn't know what she was doing, right?

Well, she was young, black, and very attractive, and I told it to her about like that too:  They think you don't know what you're doing, because clearly you gave me too much medication, but I like the medication, by the way....

I'm just wishing to express here that being friendly with the psychiatrist works to your advantage when the rehab counselor doesn't like you!
